Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How to enable Linux Audit Daemon in hosts where WSO2 carbon run times are deployed

Please find the post from:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

[WSO2][ESB] Set Timeout value of transport sender

Hi all,

In this blog post, indicating about set the timeout value of transport sender. By default, it has a timeout period of 30000ms (30s).

Go to <ESB-Home>/repository/conf/axis2/axis2_blocking_client.xml and set the values as follows.

 <transportSender name="https">  
  <parameter name="SO_TIMEOUT">90000</parameter>  
  <parameter name="CONNECTION_TIMEOUT">90000</parameter>  

Note: These values are not available in axis2_blocking_client.xml by default and you have to add them.

PS: This will be a possible solution for  " Read timed out" exception. Read timed out  
 at Method)  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

[IBM MQ] Create a topic using IBM MQ

Hi all,

I am configuring integration scenario of IBM MQ with WSO2 ESB. In particular scenario, used IBM MQ and ESB 5.0.0 in the windows environment (Oracle JDK 1.8).

If you need to understand the installation mechanism from the first step, you can follow this blog post. 

Assumption: You have configured ESB with IBM MQ for Queues.

Let's begin creating a topic in IBM MQ.

1. Open IBM MQ UI (Websphere Installation1 window) through administrative mode.

How to do that ?
  • Go to window start button and search for Websphere
  • Right click on icon and  click on "Run as Administrator"
2. Create a Topic under Queue Manger

3. Add Destination

Note: Give the "Topic string" (Which was defined when creating the Topic) as the Topic in next window. (Refer next screen shot)

4. Create Topic Connection Factory if you don't specify previous connection factories as Topic Connection Factory/ Connection Factory (General term for both topics and queues)

You are done with Topic Configuration. When you are going to subscribe to Topic from external clients (Ex: ESB) you can see those subscriptions through "Subscription panel"

Happy Coding ... :)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

[WSO2][ESB Cluster] HornetQ host configuration when connecting to a cluster

When we are going to use HornetQ with  cluster environment (Ex: ESB Cluster), have to configure HorentQ hosts. If not HornetQ will not identify exact configuration.

In HornetQ script ($HorenetQ_Home/bin/) update as follows:

# Use the following line to run with different ports
#export CLUSTER_PROPS="-Djnp.port=1099 -Djnp.rmiPort=1098 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.port=5445"

Uncomment above line and update relevant parameters.

# Use the following line to run with different ports
export CLUSTER_PROPS="-Djnp.port=1099 -Djnp.rmiPort=1098 -Dhornetq.remoting.netty.port=5445"

** Update -Djnp.port and with relevant values. should be the IP/host_name of an instance which HornetQ installed.

[SFTP] Connecting to remote server for file sharing

You can use to connect remote server and easily share files between local and remote server using SFTP.

You can use SFTP with your "key" which is using to access the remote server OR just access without credentials if you don't have any

Using SFTP server:

sftp -i <key file> username@remote_hostname/ip   OR
sftp username@remote_hostname/ip


 sftp -i dilshani.pem centos@192.***.**.71  

When you connected through SFTP server it can see the sftp server as follows:


You can get files or send files secure manner.

Send files:

put <file_name> <remote_location>

 sftp> put test.text /home/centos/files  

** Note: If you are using above command, file should be located in same folder, which is going to start sftp server. Otherwise it can be give the path of file befor file name.

Get files:

get <remote_location/file_name> <local_location>

 sftp> get /home/centos/files/test.text  

** Note: you can navigate to any folder using cd command

cd <file_directory>

 sftp> cd /home/centos/files  

When you are done with file sharing, close the server with "exit" command.

 sftp> exit  

Happy Sharing :)